The Mario Saga #2 – Camp edition


A photo of my favourite boy during school time

To all those who’ve tuned in, this is an extension of yesterday’s post about my recent weeklong holiday in Cape Town, and you may want to check that out before reading any further (yeah, I know: I’m bossy and a lot of work. I’m also cheeky and I tease all my friends about their age as I am anything from a year to fourteen years younger than most of them. 😛 ). Ok, breathe, my friends, breathe hard. Here it comes: The Mario Saga #2

Waking up on Wednesday morning to know that in a couple of hours we were going to be in Simonstown with one of the coolest youth groups in town, was pretty awesome. We’d watched Les Misérables the previous night, and so were all pretty exhausted as after saying “goodnight” we got chatting and telling stories. Then the boys (Bex’s and my brothers) started having a farting competition!!! And so we were all a bit tired. But we got to Rocklands early still, and so had half an hour to chill, explore the campsite, chat a little bit with our leaders whom we haven’t seen in months, and prolong our goodbyes to Lou and the girls (Bex’s mum and little sisters).

Sam arrived (he’s one of the leaders but is only 19 so he’s of friend age 🙂 ) and we got chatting to him once he’d unpacked all the sound and band equipment. It was so much fun seeing him again after the Monday evening. We were calling each other “Darling” all the time and we confused a couple of Princess Pop’s school friends because they were so unconnected to the story. Man, it was so funny.

From the moment we arrived, camp was just incredible. We got assigned to our chalets and sent to them to sort out rooms and dorm leaders etc. I knew no one in my room. Not even through Facebook. I was the only white kid in my room too, but that was great as generally I’m always with my friends but that first evening I was thrown out of my comfort zone in a place I’d never known and when originally I was feeling sad because all the dorms around me were loud with laughter and screams about the g-string found beneath one of the beds, as soon as my dorm leader walked in, damn did my mind change! Limpho (pronounced Dimpoh in her language, which I regret to have to tell you, I’ve forgotten the name of 😛 ) is one of the freshest breaths of air I have ever encountered. All of us were sitting on our beds, me on my top bunk trying to text my uncle about something, and she walks in like “Hang on, what are you doing up there all alone?” the next minute she was complaining about the girl who didn’t show up in our dorm and the fact that she had to sleep on the floor and about all the girls next door (my friends, lol) who were making a racket; she made us all feel very at ease, and I realised later that none of us knew each other and therefore we were all probably feeling a bit lonely, I wasn’t alone either because the moment before she walked in, I’d prayed for some opening into my dorm. Love the way God never leaves.

Back to the daytime though, it was so much fun. I hadn’t seen a lot of them for ages, and so saying hi and getting to meet even more new people was incredible. We were welcomed to camp and then had free time until lunch, which was amazing for camp food. We were served fresh, hot, homemade beef burgers and chips and were giving a briefing by our leaders and the woman in charge of our camp. Then there was more free time which we spent laughing with friends, and teasing those who were there at Sweetie’s birthday party, about their dodgy storylines which had been blotted out and replaced by new tasks and underlying stories, but we still all discovered what was supposed to have happened in the story and yoh! some of the things…. :O Needless to say, we were glad they had been removed from the scripts. 🙂

We were organised into teams, and it was really great for me to be with my Summer Camp team leader, one of the best dancers in youth (he’s a seriously amazing dancer!!!!!!!!!!), a bunch of other guys, and then all my preschool friends. Well, the main core group anyrate. And we called ourselves….the…..LAZY PEOPLE!!!! Lame, I know, but pure genius if you look at our inspiration behind the name. Year after year, we give ourselves (or are given) names with high expectations (The Prime, Party Rockers, The Believers, The Tarantulas (their team leader, Darryn, had his legs waxed as punishment for coming last in all the games :O ), to name a few) but not this year, no. The Lazy People, themesong a mashup of Bruno Mars’ Grenade and The Lazy Song, got a big cheer from the rest of the youth for our genius idea in pretending to be less than we were. We turned out to be one of the strongest teams on camp. Literally one of the best decisions we could have made. ^_^

We had some incredible sessions where we really met with God in new, exciting ways and found out new truths as our leaders talked about living for God at home, in school, and with friends whether they’re Believers or not. I really want to write about all the amazing, unexpected things that I learnt, but on a camp like that where so much happens and so much is processed, that it’s really hard to write it all down because there’s just too much to try and put into words. It was just a purely awesome time with God and a words just don’t cut it.

On Wednesday or Thursday evening, I was making coffee for myself while my friends were chilling somewhere else, and I had to pass a group of guys who were hanging around, to get milk from the fridge. As I passed them with my really, really hot coffee they ALL watched me. Once I’d poured my milk I turned around to place the milk back into the fridge, opened the door and then suddenly there was one of the guys standing beside me with his arm on the top of the door. “Don’t close the door, I’ll do it for you.” I replied with an “aww cute” and told him thanks, he was really sweet. He returned to his friends and they were all laughing, cheering and slapping him on the back. It really made my night, he was so very funny with his serious…command that I mustn’t close the fridge.

On Thursday night we had a talent show which…was one of the single most embarrassing situations of my life so I won’t dwell on it any further except to say that I tried to pull out of it but my friends persuaded me to stay in… unfortunately our act was terrible. The only bright side was that now at least I know that all my friends are real friends as they still think I’m awesome. 😀

We had some awesome seminars on amazing topics and the one I went to was on reading and studying the Bible. It was led by two hilarious British guys, one of them a soon-to-be Bible scholar, and it was just really helpful to listen to them talk. Oh, and I had some crazy people in my discussion group, Sam being one of them. We were all high on sweets too, it just made us weirder 🙂

Being greeted every morning with a “good morning Darling” from Sam, was awesome. Yeah that does sound weird, I know, but it was really sweet and it opened up a different connection and familiarity to what Sam and I have had before. It has helped me to fully understand who he is and what makes him laugh and the sort of things he likes and remembers. It’s good to know those things in a friendship and I realised properly how well we actually get on with each other.

Friday was our last day. We were kicked out of the campsite before 12pm, like everyone had to be gone by then, and I was chatting to a leader friend who was one if the last to leave as he did a lot of the packing up, and he said how ungraciously the camp people were trying to get them to leave. For some reason I don’t think the lady in charge of our group liked us very much. She barely smiled when I greeted her etc. and she gave the same reaction to everyone else who smiled and said thank you.

On a whole though, the camp was beyond expectations! It was truly unbelievable.

Be back next time, for another episode in the Mario sagas!


The “Mario” Saga #1

ImageComing back from a short holiday during which a lot happened or changed, is a pretty strange thing. It’s scary because there’s so much to process and one barely knows when it all happened, or when it had the time to happen.

We started off our Cape Town visit in Fish Hoek staying with some of our incredible, amazing, awesome friends. Bex, Mookie and I went shopping on Sunday 7th in preparation for the following day and we talked in British accents to everyone we saw, which really amused us but is really lame, I know. Afterwards we got milkshakes at a local Spur Steakhouse and ended up with brain, throat, and mouth freeze when her dad came to collect us and we had to slurp drink up very quickly as he was in a hurry.

Monday night was awesome. We had our first real connection with all our friends at Sweetie’s party. But it was all in character and dress. To be honest, that just made it all the more fun and amazing. We saw friends that we haven’t seen in six months, and friends that we haven’t seen in six years and longer but our conversations were strictly blackmailing and information-getting. We were all paired up with certain other characters, wives and husbands, best friends, and we all knew who our enemy was. Angel Wood was the name on everyone’s lips. She was the husband stealer, the glitteringly famous older sister, the award hogger and the most in-demand actress in all of Hollywood. I was married to a good friend of mine who’s character name was Mario (his real name is Sam, and he’s Irish!! ^_^ ). He is one of the quietest, sweetest guys I know and acting is not his strongest point, thus it was even more of a shock to discover that my beloved husband was telling everyone that the two of us were getting a divorce and that I was a horrible, overbearing woman. Here’s the cherry on top of the cake: a failing rapper was in the middle of telling me that my husband was a cheat and that he had photographical evidence of him and Angel together…when I overhear Mario saying to someone else (not knowing I was there, of course) that I was awful and he really needed to be free of me. Umm so all my beautiful and amazing plans for our future were dashed there and then, and well… it seemed that so was our relationship.

Angel was then murdered at some point in the evening (I think we all saw that coming) but no one apart from the murderer and Angel, had any idea who it was who would go as far as to kill someone, despite us all having the motivation. The goal for the second half of the evening was to talk to as many people as possible, get them to hand over all their money, and then accuse them of murdering the “most beloved-to-all” actress. It was a lot of fun and in the end no one guessed that my brother Potty was the murderer. He just went around accusing Princess Pop of the deed and everyone believed him. It was hilarious.

It was so much fun to connect with everyone again after so long, and just to relax for once completely out of reality. Bex, Potty, Mookie and myself slept over at Princess Pop’s house as she lives a lot closer than Bex’s family. Once the other girls had gone to sleep Princess and I had an incredible catch up that ended up in us both kinda losing our voices by 3am. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a good talk, I must say. 🙂

Ok, so what I’ve decided to do is, because I like to talk so much, and I haven’t blogged for so long, I’ve had to break my holiday up into sections. Essentially there are four different sections, but I may grow or decrease this number as impulse takes me. The name of this post derives from the fact that I saw Sam on six days out of nine, on four different occasions and because we stayed married for the whole week. We even told the people we met at camp that we were married, which put a couple of confused looks on some faces and open exclamation marks on others.

I’ll complete the saga in a little bit. Be prepared and stay awesome 🙂


Crossroads, YouTube, stars and parties

Hey there,

So I’ve been on holiday these past two weeks, and my sister and I have had a pretty awesome time of it. We’ve had a couple of days home alone while our parents and brother are out working, and for us it has been one of the best, most fun chill times this year. Tomorrow, Bro, Sis and myself head off to Cape Town for the week to see friends, go on a youth camp, and celebrate a few friends’ birthdays. I’m super-excited.

#1. Crossroads Camp is going to be awesome! I’m really looking forward to the experiences I’ll have with God, with friends, and also just basically in being reminded that I’m not alone in the world; that there are actually people supporting me and who I can go to if I need to chat. I haven’t seen most of the people for six months, so that alone will be amazing. The last camp we went to was incredible, the surge of God’s power rushing through everyone was overwhelming and awesome. The camp before that was a trigger to the beginning of my personal relationship with Christ.

#2. I’ve become pretty addicted to YouTube. Mookie (my sister, her nickname) and I discovered how quickly time flies when a couple of 5 minute videos turn into 5 hours of viewing…Yeah, I really don’t regret the time we spent watching those clips as it was a way for her and myself to become closer sisters and for me, I’m so proud to have her as my sister. It may sound weird that we bond over music videos and vlogs but I tell you, the amount of giggling and discussion that covers each video would make some people cry out of frustration. 😀 Two things you all HAVE to watch (non-negotiable! 🙂 ) are a.) A JacksGap (one of the most enjoyable things Mooks and I have discovered in a while: not only are the twins really hot but they’re incredibly funny and they seem like really great and genuine guys) video, and b.) one of One Republic’s coolest songs IN THE WORLD!! It is now my favourite song 😀

Oh, another thing about Jack and Finn, the twins, is that Finn looks a lot like a friend of mine which makes everything doubly awesome.

I discovered this this morning and I was like “A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!”

#3. On Monday, Mookie, Potty (that’d be my bro, that nickname comes from the amount of tea he drinks 😀 ), and I are going with a whole bunch of friends to another friend’s 16th birthday. She is having a Oscars-themed Murder Mystery party. Oooh yeah Baby! Dresses, suits, glitz, hairdos and strange earrings! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!

A random picture of my sister and myself posing in our party dresses :)

A random picture of my sister and myself posing in our party dresses 🙂

#4. I am seriously considering getting into art, photography, and writing my first book.

#5. We had bookclub on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun and we got some great books. I really love the bunch of ladies who we do it with, they’re great!

#6. Next Saturday, we’ve been invited to a friend’s 19th birthday braai, so that’s another thing we’re really looking forward to 😀

#7. Due to our rather bad Afrikaans, I decided to only speak that language to an “Afrikaans” friend of mine (well, her mum is Afrikaans, but when it comes to herself, she and I are pretty much on the same page 🙂 ). Gee, it’s hard! Generally I can talk for hours…but in Afrikaans I run out of words soooo quickly!!! OMW

And then, lastly:

Shoot for the moon because even if you miss it, you will land among the stars – Les Brown

See y’all in about a week, maybe more as I might need a little time to recover 😀

Blue Xx

Musing #4

Sometimes I write a phrase, hit send, and then wonder if the person I’ve sent it to will actually understand what on earth I’m talking about. Even among my friends who’ve known me forever, I wonder if they understand me still. Now that I’m no longer a cute kid who can get by on looks and giggling, do people still understand? Do they like the grown up me?